Wednesday, 23 January 2013

A Message from the Dean | Seidenberg School News

23. Jan, 2013

First of all, I must thank the Seidenberg Community for the warm welcome that I have received since coming to Pace in mid-August.? I am excited to be back on the east coast to lead new initiatives and promote existing programs to flourish.? I was at MIT from 1979 to 2004. Between 2004 and 2012, I spent the academic year at the University of Arizona and the summers at MIT. ?The Seidenberg School is unique as it encompasses all aspects of Computer Science and Information Systems.

It has been a busy time at the Seidenberg School.? The Information Assurance Program?continues to be strong at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.? We have been reaccredited as a National Center of Academic Excellence:

Students receive full scholarships from the Department of Homeland Security or the Scholarship for Service Program through a grant from the National Science Foundation, and faculty and students collaborate on research on Biometric Keystroke Recognition and diverse facets of Cybersecurity.

I am instituting a new initiative on TeleHealth, based on my assessment that this is going to be the next trillion dollar industry.? Back in 2001, I proposed the notion that healthcare applications should be handled in a three pronged manner involving on-site personnel, off-site personnel, and advanced computer techniques. My ongoing research in the area of Telemedicine (?The Constitutionality of Current Legal Barriers to Telemedicine in the United States: Analysis and Future Directions of Its Relationship to National and International Health Care Reform,?(with D. Sao), Health Matrix: Journal of Law-Medicine?, 11, 2011.), coupled with my research focusing on distributed teams and the concept of a 24 hour knowledge factory Expanding the 24 Hour Workplace, Wall Street Journal,?September 15, 2007 (extended article and online podcast interview), looks at the technical, business, medical, legal, public policy, economic, and other hurdles related to this emerging field.? The Seidenberg School anticipates offering the first of an array of courses related to telemedicine in the Spring 2013 semester.

Based on the growing realization and computers and technology are increasingly relevant to all fields of study, we have increased the number of Seidenberg courses that are available to all members of the PACE community. CIS101 was the course that students from other programs at PACE University normally took at Seidenberg School. Commencing Spring 2013, we will have the following set of 5 courses for students from other schools of PACE University:

CIS 101, Introduction to Computing

CIS 103, Problem Solving Using Technology

CIT 110, Introduction to Information Technology (also a Writing-enhanced course)

CS 121, Computer Programming I

TS 105, Computers for Human Empowerment

My colleagues and I are Seidenberg School are currently involved in designing new interdisciplinary courses and programs with other schools.

I look forward to continuing to meet new folks from the industry, our illustrious alums, and current students.? Please keep in touch with us and review our website ( often to learn of the new and exciting initiatives within the School.


Amar Gupta

Dean and Professor


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